Including the Fathers

He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children
and hearts of the children to the fathers.

Malachi 4:6

One of the lies that has contributed to the growth of abortion and Planned Parenthood in our
culture is that the father not relevant to maternity and birth and even child rearing. Although we frequently discuss those cases in which the father of the child was pressuring the mother to
abort, we can not forget that often, fathers are excluded from the abortion decision and their
wishes to parent the child are ignored.

Study after study confirms what the Bible has told us, that children, and all of society, fare
better when fathers are included in the family equation. Crime, poverty, addiction and suicide,
rates all increase in homes and communities where there are no fathers.

In the past few weeks, we have had multiple fathers, come to the mobile with the mother of
their child. We have been able to see, firsthand, as these lies that have been perpetrated in
society about the irrelevance of fathers, are broken off by the truth of life that is shown in an

Dads are able to watch on the big screen as the mother and our sonographer are in the exam
area behind the curtain.

We have had many "aha" moments with these dads!

  • One couple came in, thinking they were 9-10 weeks pregnant. We found out they were in fact 36 weeks pregnant with a boy!

  • One couple came in, just to confirm a due date. The dad asked a lot of questions about our ministry and Planned Parenthood. He was heartbroken to learn that a 21-22 week old baby, like his growing little girl, could be legally aborted and killed, in the state of California.

  • One Dad shared with us how afraid he was to have a son, because of his fear that his son would be like him. We had the chance to pray with him and talk about the healing, forgiving and restoration promised in the gospel, to share scriptures with him about the provision and grace of God in every assignment He gives us in life. Then we were able to share with him that he was in fact having a son.

All of these dads wept with joy at the news and information they received from the Stanton Mobile.

Please keep our mobile ministry and these fathers in your prayers, and please consider a
monthly commitment to help us keep this ministry on the road, blessing more families every
day with the vision of LIFE!

Danielle Versluys