Protect Them Both: Advocacy & Education

Thanks to the recent exposure of Planned Parenthood’s unethical activities and the subject of abortion frequently in the headlines, many pro-life churches and communities are asking, “what can we do to combat this culture of death?”


In response, Stanton Healthcare of Southern California is offering a unique educational opportunity for groups of all ages: an interactive, eye-opening presentation featuring a live prenatal ultrasound performed on a state-of-the-art portable ultrasound machine. 

Utilizing winsome arguments and proven scientific facts, Stanton’s engaging presenters will demonstrate why and how individual people can advocate for both mother and child in a society which devalues life.  

Stanton Healthcare's presentation provides an excellent opportunity to activate individuals to participate in the societal debate about abortion - this is not the time to be silent! 

For more information about bringing this presentation to your church, youth group or school, contact us today!

Danielle VersluysComment