Stanton SoCal featured on German documentary

Stanton Healthcare recently had the opportunity to be featured in a German documentary film covering the topic of abortion in the U.S.

Danielle Versluys, President of Stanton SoCal, is featured in the documentary advocating for babies in the womb. This documentary was made by a pro-abortion news correspondent, but we were happy to show what being on the side of LIFE looks like.

“Abortion robs a human life. That's why it should never be allowed in a freedom-loving country. Because there is no freedom for the child if the child is killed."

The video features Stanton Lead Sonographer Jo, performing an ultrasound on one of our clients.

Danielle explains that the ultrasound shows the women that their is LIFE in her womb. She goes on to say, "It opens her eyes to reality and to what an abortion would mean for her and her child."

“The woman can see that it is her child that lives and moves in the womb.  We see a heartbeat on the screen, a small flickering light.” - Antje Piper, show host

You can watch the full video
published on ZDF by clicking here

(Stanton’s feature begins at around 8:30 on the video)

Ashley Baldwin