Hope for Hannah

Recently, a teenage girl (we’ll call her “Hannah”) and her boyfriend came to the Mobile to get a pregnancy test and ultrasound. Hannah didn’t have a doctor, and was considering abortion.

If Hannah hadn’t heard about Stanton Healthcare, they would have gone to Planned Parenthood.

During the ultrasound, Hannah’s boyfriend asked questions about the development of the baby and whether the heart was beating. It is always a good sign when a baby’s dad is interested and engaged!

Hannah shared with her Stanton client advocate that she wants to keep her baby but might still get an abortion. Teenagers often feel significant pressure from parents and other adults to choose abortion, and we see this heartbreaking scenario frequently at Stanton.

Even though this young mom and dad are still unsure of what to do, they are Stanton clients and that means they won’t be alone during this challenging time. It means they will come back in a week or two for another ultrasound, and a client advocate will check in and help guide this couple toward resources and support that will empower them to make the best choices for their little family.

At Stanton Healthcare, we see clients like Hannah all the time. Many young moms in the High Desert don’t know where to turn for quality, compassionate care... until they call Stanton. It is our honor to walk alongside these brave women and their families during a time of crisis, serving them with joy and giving them HOPE!

Danielle Versluys