Two Babies, Three Days, Four Ways
Dear Friend of Stanton,
I am delighted to report that in the month of March, the Stanton Mobile was open in Victorville THREE days a week! Generous volunteers have made it possible to expand our operating hours already this year, and several more wonderful volunteers are in training.
The Mobile has a great spot in the Rose of Sharon parking lot in Victorville!
On Monday and Tuesday, if you drive past Rose of Sharon Pregnancy Resource Center on 7th Street, you will see the big purple clinic in the parking lot with “OPEN TODAY” signs welcoming passersby. On Friday, the Stanton Mobile is parked in front of Planned Parenthood on Park Avenue.
Praise God, we saw dozens of clients and their babies in March - a number of whom weren’t even receiving basic prenatal care. One day in the Mobile, I gave 3 bottles of prenatal vitamins to 3 different pregnant moms who weren’t taking any supplements because they couldn’t afford them or didn’t realize they should be taking vitamins.
I was serving in the Mobile last week when I met a delightful mom who was pregnant for the 4th time. As she filled out her intake form, she laughingly told me and our sonographer Jo, “I really hope it’s not twins!” We laughed along with her, and asked if she had any reason to expect twins - did they run in the family? No, she told us, just a feeling she had.
Well, what do you think we saw on the ultrasound screen, moments later?
You guessed it. Two little babies tucked neatly in their mother’s womb.
As the proud aunt of twin nieces, I think two babies are twice the fun. That dear mama, though, was rightfully “freaking out” a bit! Naturally, we encouraged her and reminded her that Stanton will be present and available throughout her pregnancy and beyond, and connected her with Rose of Sharon just across the parking lot. At Rose of Sharon, she will be able to take parenting classes, earn baby gear, and find additional ongoing support during this exciting journey.
Not every client is abortion-minded that walks into the Stanton Mobile. Some clients, like this joyful mom of twins, have every intention of keeping their baby (or babies!). But they call Stanton because they can’t get in to see a doctor, or they need prenatal vitamins, or they simply can’t afford an ultrasound elsewhere. These life-minded mamas are a joy to meet and serve, and I am always encouraged after one of these appointments.
I am reminded that Stanton exists to help ALL pregnant mothers Find Hope and Be Well.
Sometimes we are honored to help save a life, and sometimes we simply bless a family.
The inside of the Stanton Mobile is cheery and welcoming to all our clients.
During our busiest hours in the Mobile, we are seeing several clients per hour. One significant delay we have seen in our process is due to our old-fashioned paper intake forms.
It takes a client a while to complete the forms by hand, and then our staff is also shuffling paper ultrasound reports and logs and intake forms while working in the small space of the clinic. It is time to make the transition to all electronic forms, and we have added an iPad and Apple Pencil to our Amazon wishlist.
If you would like to make a special gift to Stanton this month, please consider contributing toward our iPad fund at this link!
Thanks to our generous friends and supporters, we have had the budget and the volunteers to open the Mobile three days a week in March and serve dozens of new pregnant mothers.
But in the month of April, we are praying for the opportunity to minister to even more clients and their babies! We are getting calls daily on our hotline, and our appointments are filling up fast.
We need your help to expand the ministry, and increase our impact in the High Desert. Here are 4 simple ways you can help grow Stanton and reach more women with HOPE!
Pledge: If you are not already a monthly donor, please make a pledge today! By visiting this link, you can sign up with our secure online donation system and start a recurring donation. Every gift will help us expand our operating hours and increase our impact.
Share: Send this blog post to like-minded friends who may be interested in supporting a life-saving local ministry. You can also share our Facebook and Instagram posts!
Give: Make a special gift toward the purchase of an iPad and Apple Pencil, allowing our clinic team to efficiently process client information and focus on doing what we do best - loving and serving our sweet mothers and babies.
Serve: Complete a Volunteer Application and sign up for our upcoming volunteer training in April. We specifically need women to serve as Client Advocates, providing one-on-one support to clients inside the clinic following the medical portion of their visit. We also need folks who can help keep our Mobile clean and in good repair!
As you can see, there are many ways you can support the work of Stanton. Please continue to pray with me: for our team, our clients, and for the people of God in the High Desert to be activated for life.
It is critical that Stanton continues to keep the doors of hope open. Thank you for partnering with us for LIFE!
For the little ones,
Danielle Versluys
President, Stanton SoCal