Thankful for Good Gifts
Dear Friend of Stanton,
As the end of 2019 is in sight and 2020 seems just around the corner, I am reflecting on the ministry of Stanton Mobile over the past year and praying for the future of our work.
The changing of seasons, and especially the transition from fall into winter, reminds me of this verse in James: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
Our God does not change, and neither do his perfect gifts.
While the leaves fall from trees and we anticipate wintry storms to usher in a new season, the Creator of the universe remains the same: our kind, loving, merciful Heavenly Father.
Not only is He consistent, but He gives good gifts to His people.
One of the perfect gifts we have been privileged to witness in the Stanton Mobile!
When I consider the myriad ways in which Stanton SoCal has been blessed by God’s perfect timing, I can’t help but be amazed. He has carried us through the past few years of challenging ministry in a very broken world, reminding us constantly of His good and perfect love for us and the precious families we serve.
He has given us many opportunities to meet women in the most vulnerable time of their lives, to love them and comfort them and to share the hope and joy of the gospel. Even when we had to break the news of a miscarried baby on more than one occasion, God was glorified by the Stanton team’s compassionate, loving care for the grieving mother. When we faced tough situations with clients, solutions were made known and help was possible.
God’s perfect gift of hope in the midst of sorrow, uncertainty, or trial
is something we can count on at Stanton.
We have also been able to count on God’s provision for the Stanton organization and team members, keeping us all close in His care while on this difficult, humbling mission. People like you who have stepped up to support Stanton SoCal through prayer, finances and other gifts, are the greatest blessing and encouragement. The ministry of Stanton is not accomplished by one or two people, but by many of God’s people working together toward the same goal.
If you have ever supported Stanton through your prayers or gifts, thank you for standing with us.
There are many precious children and their mothers living happy, whole lives because of you and your investment for LIFE.
As 2020 rolls around soon, Stanton SoCal is facing some big changes.
I am praying, along with our Board of Directors, that we will be ready for the gifts God has in store. There may be some difficult decisions to be made, but we are confident in the unchanging nature of our Father, who gave us all the vision for Stanton SoCal and has been unfailing in His provision for this ministry.
I will share more on Stanton’s direction as we head into the new year. I hope that you will continue to keep Stanton SoCal in your prayers, and if you are able, to commit to a monthly donation in 2020. The faithfulness of our monthly supporters is invaluable as we plan and prepare for the year ahead. Secure donations can be made online here. Thank you!
This holiday season, may you be blessed by the reminder that
the good and perfect gifts in your life are sent from above,
from a Father who loves and cares for you always.
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Stanton SoCal!
For Life,
Danielle Versluys
President, Stanton SoCal